Saturday, November 20, 2010

SJBA vihara ( 14th November 2010, Sunday)


1) is organising our Annual Educare Program on 5th December 2010 to distribute school items to an expected 600 needy students in and around Subang Jaya, for them to begin a new school term. This program was initiated by Venerable Saranankara Maha Thero in 2001 and this year an expected 8,000 needy students will receive the school items in various parts of Malaysia . Each students will receive a full set of school items, consisting of school bag, shoes, books, stationary, etc.costing about RM108.00. We hope that through this simple but sincere gesture, the students can be motivated to study better and achieve academic success and eventually success in life. If you wish to contribute to this dana, please contact Sis Lily at Tel. 56348181. Sponsorship of one school bag at RM30.00 and one pair of shoe at RM30.00 is also welcome.

2) year's Annual Vipassana Meditation Retreat will be held at SJBA from 25th December 2010 to 4th January 2011. The Retreat will be conducted by the Abbot of SJBA, Bhante Nyanaramsi together with 2 Sayadaws from the Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Centre. If you wish to join the Retreat as yogi or wish to be a helper or sponsor food for the monks and yogis, and other expenses during the Retreat, please contact Sis Lily at Tel 56348181.