Sunday, December 5, 2010

Nalanda (2 December, 2010)

December Programmes
@ Nalanda Centre
Offering of lunch to Ven. Yogavacara Rahula
2 December 2010, Thursday
*Ven. Rahula is leaving for Singapore after the lunch dana today .

Mandarin Dhamma talks
7, 14, 28 December, Tuesdays, 8pm
Click here for details.

Convocation Ceremony for BPS 301 Certificate in Buddhist Studies
11 December 2010
9.00am – 12.30pm

Teens Development Programme : Creating Community, Celebrating Individuality
12 – 15 December 2010
Registration is still open.
Volunteers and facilitators are needed for the smooth running of the programme. Parents are also encouraged to serve during the camp.
For detailed programme, please click here.

Bhavana Day – One-day meditation retreat
18 December 2010, Sunday
Registration is open. Please register via email :

Nalanda Dharma School Honours Day
31 December 2010, Friday
7.30 – 10.00pm

New Year Chanting and Blessing Service
31 December 2010, Friday

Other announcements

1. Link : Student Recruitment for free tuition classes (primary and secondary school pupils)
2. Link : Certificate in Teaching (in Dharma Shool), commencing on 8 January 2010
3. Link : Student Recruitment for Nalanda Dharma School (Nalanda Vidyalaya)

For enquiries, please call us at 03-8938-1500. Thank you.

Warmest regards,
Sis. Santi Cheang
Executive Secretary
Nalanda Buddhist Society

Saturday, November 20, 2010

SJBA vihara ( 14th November 2010, Sunday)


1) is organising our Annual Educare Program on 5th December 2010 to distribute school items to an expected 600 needy students in and around Subang Jaya, for them to begin a new school term. This program was initiated by Venerable Saranankara Maha Thero in 2001 and this year an expected 8,000 needy students will receive the school items in various parts of Malaysia . Each students will receive a full set of school items, consisting of school bag, shoes, books, stationary, etc.costing about RM108.00. We hope that through this simple but sincere gesture, the students can be motivated to study better and achieve academic success and eventually success in life. If you wish to contribute to this dana, please contact Sis Lily at Tel. 56348181. Sponsorship of one school bag at RM30.00 and one pair of shoe at RM30.00 is also welcome.

2) year's Annual Vipassana Meditation Retreat will be held at SJBA from 25th December 2010 to 4th January 2011. The Retreat will be conducted by the Abbot of SJBA, Bhante Nyanaramsi together with 2 Sayadaws from the Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Centre. If you wish to join the Retreat as yogi or wish to be a helper or sponsor food for the monks and yogis, and other expenses during the Retreat, please contact Sis Lily at Tel 56348181.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

SJBA vihara (28th October 2010)


ANNOUNCEMENTS ( 28th October 2010, Sunday)

SJBA is organising a Novitiate Program from 20th to 24th November for those interested to experience the life of Going Forth (as a Novice Monk). We hope to achieve at the end of the program that all participants will become a better practitioner of the Dhamma with strong confidence in the Triple Gem. If you are aged 12 to 60, healthy and be able to observe the 10 precepts, you may register with

Sis Lily at tel. 03-56348181.

Look forward to welcome you at SJBA
May you be well and happy!

In the BuddhaDhamma,

SJBA Exco28th October 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nalanda (27 Oct 2010)

Volunteers for Free Tuition Classes
To cater for the education need of students in Serdang area,
Nalanda hasstarted free tuition classes in June 2010.
So far, we have received morethan 100 registrations from the residents in the vicinity.
With thisencouraging response, we will continue this project next year.
Hence wewould like to invite you to come in as volunteer teachers,
coordinators orhelpers to further enhance this educational project.1.
Volunteer teachers
Bahasa Malaysia, Form 1–3 (1 class)
English, Form 1–3 (1 class)
Mandarin, Standard 3-4 (1 class)
Bahasa Malaysia, Standard 1-2 (1 class)or
preferred subject(s) suggested by volunteers
Day & TimeWeekdays, 8 – 9pm2. Coordinators / HelpersJobscopes1.
To coordinate classes between teacher(s) and students2.
To prepare venue for classesDay & Time
Weekdays, 7.30 – 9.30pm
Weekends, 9.30am – 12.00pm / 12.30pm – 3.00pm
We invite you to come forward and lend a helping hand in this nobleendeavour.
Please contact us at
for further details orarrangements.
Thank you.
Nandini Tan0
Executive SecretaryNalanda Buddhist Society

33rd INCOVAR Dhamma Camp (18 Oct 2010)

Great news for early birds!
As an appreciation for registering early, we are offering special rates just for you!
For individual registrations:
1st to 5th participants: RM70
6th to 15th participants: RM80

In addition to that, for those of you who wants to register as a group:
5 participants: Rm420

Naturally, the special rates will only apply when you pay up immediately after registration.
So, what are you waiting for? Register now!

Venue: Wat Chetawan Temple, Jalan Gasing, Petalling Jaya
Time: 4 – 7th December 2010

Camp Concept:
The Four Noble Truths, this where is all started. This is the very first thing that the Buddha taught too his disciples, a is the very foundation on which the whole religion and philosophy of
Buddhism is founded on.
In the upcoming 33rd INCOVAR Dhamma Camp, you, will experience ways to see and implement the four noble truths in fun and practical ways in your daily life. You will learn that the Four Noble Truths are not just philosophies that is far removed from our mundane world, but is actually one of the most practical ways to structure our thoughts and to solve our problems.
The Buddha has discovered the way to solve all of our problems 2500 years ago, now it is our turn to do the same in our everyday life!
So what are you waiting for? Experience the dhamma, INCOVAR style, by registering yourselves here!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Subang Jaya Buddhist Association (25 October 2010)

Dear Ven/Bro/Sis in the Dhamma, Sukhi Hotu! Seck Kia Eenh Buddhist Temple is organizing the First International Buddhist Convention from 19 - 21 November, 2010 to be held at Wisma Seck Kia Eenh, Jalan Gajah Berang, Melaka. We are honoured that the Most Venerable Ajahn Brahmavamso and Ven. Hue Can have agreed to come and be among the Keynote Speakers. Please do not miss this rare opportunity. Attached is the info and registration form. Please return the registration form on line or send it to the temple. You can submit the registration fee on the day of registration. Please bring along your friends. Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! With Metta Bro. Kim SeeOrganizing ChairmanSKEFIBC

Nalanda Buddhist Society (25 October, 2010)

We welcome your participation!

Mandarin Dharma Talk

2010 年10 月26日,星期二,晚上八时正, Nalanda 会所
26 October 2010, Tuesday, 8pm,Nalanda Centre

讲题 :和平相处的秘诀
Title : Ways to peaceful association

主讲人 : 黄俊达居士
Speaker :Bro. Wong Choon Tat

For further enquiries, please call 03-8938-1500

Sis. Santi
Executive Secretary 执行秘书
Nalanda Buddhist Society 佛教会